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General Skin Care


General Skin Care

Protecting Yourself From The Sun’s Harmful Rays

There is no better feeling than warmth of the sun on your skin. Research has proven that exposure to the sun without the proper protection can be very harmful to the long-term health of your skin. In fact, 90% of the visible signs of premature aging can be directly associated to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

The skin around your eyes is especially delicate and exposure to the sun can cause tiny crows feet as well as deep wrinkles to form on your forehead. Without adequate protection from the sun’s rays, even the normally elastic skin around your mouth which allows you to laugh and yawn can begin to show permanent “laughter lines.” And because it is easy to neglect the use any type of sunscreen protection around the neck area, prominent wrinkles often appear and can make you look much older.

Even those who remember to take some precautions in the early spring and summer months, may tend to forget that the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet rays are equally as strong in the Fall and Winter and can still cause damage to skin.

Aside from the stigma of sun-damaged skin such as wrinkles and dark pigmented age spots which can make you appear older, sun damage can lead to malignant melanomas or other forms of skin cancer.

Reverse The Signs Of Sun Damage and Restore Your Beautiful Complexion

There are many options available that can stop the harmful damage caused by the sun. Skinworks carries a line of sun protection or recommends products that make it easy and convenient for you to protect your delicate skin year-round. We invite you to contact us to learn what steps you can take to protect your beautiful complexion. We can also discuss simple and painless procedures that can significantly reverse the signs of premature aging and help you maintain your youthful appearance.

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