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Nail Health


Nail Health

Nails are produced by living skin cells in the fingers and toes. They are made of keratin, a hardened protein also found in the skin and hair. The nails can reveal overall health in a person by changes in nail appearance for common conditions such as: liver disease, kidney disease, heart conditions, lung diseases, anemia and diabetes. The average growth rate for nails is 0.1 mm each day factoring in age, time of year, activity level and heredity. Fingernails grow faster than toenails. Nails grow more rapidly during the summer than winter and on a person’s dominant hand. Nail disorders make up about 10% of all skin condition such as ingrown toenails fungal infections and bacterial infections.

Treatment Options:

Consult us to establish an appropriate treatment plan for your nail condition. Tips for maintaining healthy nail habits are: keep nails clean/dry, cut nails straight across, avoid biting fingernails, avoid “digging–out” ingrown toenails and report any nail change, swelling and pain to us.

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